Roles of bonds and relationships in rebuilding a new world
Is 'loneliness' the silent pandemic on the rising?

By: Sangeeta Maheshwari
Certified Metaphysics Practitioner
Author | Inner Growth & Happiness Mentor
Have you ever been stuck on a thought, memory or experience, and wished it never happened or happened differently?
Guess what, you are not the only one. We may have different stories from each other, but we all have had experiences we wished we could differently handle if they had to happen now. The good news is, those experiences were not waste as they have given us insights to choose better responses next time we land up in a similar situation. So, we are sorted for the future with this newfound wisdom.
What do we do with the emotion of frustration, anger or upset we are holding from the past?

Wear the editor's hat and cut out what happened in the past and replace it with the new response. Past is gone, it is not coming back, but each time you go over it, you are recreating that emotion and living it again and again. So why not live it with the new ending that you can cherish and feel empowered with. Why watch a movie that upsets you? Change the story and dialogues as it is your movie, you are the producer, director, actor, and audience. Exercise your choice now!
What you don't like from the past, know that you have the power to change it NOW!
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